The Commission on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainable Development brings together experts in the field of sustainable development, banking representative, industries, law firms
Economics of Climate Change
and Sustainable Development
ICC Russia Secretary General
Tatiana Monaghan
Sustainable development is not only an ethical choice, but also a sound economic choice. Businesses and industries that prioritize sustainability often demonstrate increased competitiveness, cost savings and enhanced reputation.
Chairman of the Commission
Sergey Chestnoy
Official Representative for External Relations, UC RUSAL
Climate change is an existential threat affecting the lives of millions of people around the world. It is a challenge that requires urgent action by governments, companies and society, while maintaining dialogue between professional communities from different countries, regardless of the geopolitics.
of the Commission on Economics of Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Experience analysis
In-depth study of the global experience in the formation of national green economies, development of the green finance market
Forming a consolidated position of Russian business on the economics of climate change and sustainable development
Promoting the popularization of basic principles and standards of non-financial reporting by companies in Russia
Information sharing
To help inform the business community on the methodology for assessing sectoral risks and opportunities associated with low-carbon development
Promoting the development and promotion of harmonized green finance rules
Presenting and promoting the position of Russian business at the international level