What is the International Chamber of Commerce — World Business Organization
International Chamber of Commerce –
World Business Organization
– Base of International Trade
ICC creates standards
ICC creates rules
ICC knows how to negotiate
ICC shapes the future of international trade
ICC has been in business for over a hundred years
National committees
Sectoral commissions
Knowledge and Competence Portals
Enterprises, organizations and business associations
The ICC Russia Commission on Arbitration consists of practicing lawyers, including members of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR and the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Despite all the geopolitical challenges, we continue to actively work with the ICC headquarters and foreign colleagues to meet the evolving needs of practitioners and businesses and develop the best practices for commercial dispute resolution.
International Arbitration -
The Circulatory System of International Trade
Promotion of Russian arbitrators in the international arena and keeping the Russian arbitration community united, regardless of the geopolitical situation, are the most important tasks of ICC Russia. For eight years we have been maintaining and presenting in Russia and abroad the recommended register of Russian arbitrators from ICC Russia.
The ICC International Court of Arbitration, headquartered in Paris, has been repeatedly recognized as the No. 1 arbitration institution in the world. This year it celebrates its centenary. Members of the ICC Russia Arbitration Commission regularly act as representatives of the parties and arbitrators in cases administered by the ICC Court.
Centenary of the ICC Court

Accredited in Russia